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Start on your Positive Future Next Step today…
Keeping moving forward to Create Your New Positive Future requires more Information and Learning for you,
Then you’ve an idea What and Where to make Your Life changes, you’ll need to:
- Learn how to Control and Keep the Negative Chatter in Your Mind at Bay
- Decide what Areas of Your life You’ll need to make Changes to First
- Work out What things You really Enjoy and what Areas in your Life you Need to let go
- Determine which Old Thoughts and Beliefs don’t Work for You and which New ones to Embrace
Finally, after working on this topic for 25+ years, Janice has finally created a programme that is able to:
- Assist you move to Forward in your Own life with concepts that are Easy to understand and make sense
- Uncover the Hidden Secret that has been looming in your life that needs to be Updated
- Learn about the biggest ‘AHA’ moments that 99% guarantee will change your Perception about Relationships
- Make you want to Overcome your Fears so you can create a more Positive Future for Yourself
Dear Reader…
When I started my journey, I just thought each day would dawn and I’d be happy living my life. It wasn’t until I was in my thirties that I realised - my happiness was my own creation and responsibility. Not that all my life was unhappy, I’d done some great things, had two beautiful daughters and a new home…but I was showing the world a happy face and inside my soul was crying.
I didn’t understand what I had to do, I didn’t realise I was a peace-maker, I didn’t realise I had stopped saying ‘Yes’ to me and eighteen years earlier had began saying ‘No’ to me, because I wanted to blend in at high school.
It was when I was attending a parenting course about teaching my daughters about self-esteem that I had the biggest ‘aha’ moment in my life…and it turned my life around and onto a more positive direction. It was fabulous!!! I’d found my answer, now I just had to learn how to change me…and I did! The fabulous thing is I became a more positive role model for my children as well…and twenty years later my youngest daughter finally told me ‘Mum’ you’re an inspiration to us’!!! I high fived myself because I had achieved that goal, to show my girls, that a positive mindset and life IS possible and it starts with a new outlook on life, by stopping the negative and embracing the positive.
Here’s what you’ll learn in this programme about how I changed my life to one where I’ve been living and creating my
dreams and learning to become the best me.
Module 1 Written Material Overview
Welcome Video – Welcoming you on board and congratulations on having the courage to move forward in your life
with me as your guide and mentor…
Your Positive Future – The Next Step Program eBook – This learning module provides vital information that will help you learn about aspects of your life. You can analyse whereabouts you’re having the negative experiences and providing some ideas for change. In addition, as you get towards the end of this booklet and also the last video (about your Future) guiding you towards your desires and dreams, while making small stepping stone goals to daily move towards creating your positive new life.
Self Esteem Quiz Video – here an easy exercise to decide where your self esteem is NOW and where you’d like it
to be in the FUTURE
Self Esteem Quiz – Download this quiz form to complete the Self Esteem Quiz from above
Happiness Scale – Use this form to complete your levels of happiness in six different areas of your life – where you are now and where you want to be in the future. Use this Happiness Scale with the videos when requested.
Motivational Material – I found to keep positive (and stop the negative chatter) I needed to occupy my mind and motivate myself. These three eBooks have lots of tips and ideas to help you keep positive.
-26 Motivational Poems
-Inspirational Quotes
-50 Tips to Boost Your Self Esteem
VIDEO Modules
Module 1 – Probing Your Past (2 videos)
- Understand our life journeys (even the famous folk like Oprah and Dr Wayne Dwyer) that mould our outlook on life and who we become as we experience life.
- Understand how your life journey created the ‘unique you’ as you are today…as you step into your new future.
- Investigate the Good, Bad and Indifferent aspects of your life as you adopt the lessons you have learnt in life, thus far.
Module 2 – Todays a Gift: The Present (2 videos)
- Focus on the now and embrace your actions of today, as you take steps forward to create your positive future.
- Do the Happiness quiz so you can assess where you are ‘today’ in six areas of your life.
- Repeat the Happiness quiz so you can assess where you would like to be in the ‘future’. The difference shows the journey you undertake to create your positive future.
Module 3 - My Fabulous Future (1 Video)
- Learn how to create your Treasure Map for your future
- Start to make small stepping stone goals towards your desires and dreams.
- Embrace the concept to daily take action towards creating a more positive future for yourself.
I was inspired to call Janice when I saw her being interviewed on The Inspiration show from the USA. It was like a light bulb moment for me – I knew I had to contact her! I had been searching for something or someone to help me with self-love, self-esteem, and confidence for some time and something inside me knew she was the one who would help me. I worked with Janice for 6 months and it has been an amazing ride. I’ve discovered and rediscovered my confidence and my love not only for life, but for myself. Janice thank you so much for helping me on my journey. I’m so excited to see what is to come!
Anna K – New Zealand
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